About The Triple-H Project, LLC


A group of people sitting around each other in a circle.

Conducting happiness workshops on University Campuses

A group of people sitting in front of a projector screen.

Teaching the Mathematics to Speeches and Lectures

A group of people sitting in front of a screen.

Educating CEO's about Instituting Happiness Practices in the work place

A group of people sitting in front of a projector screen.

Explaining the five in-born Human Hungers to Lectures and Mentoring

A group of people sitting around tables in front of a man.

Training and Certification of aspiring Happiness Coaches

A group of people raising their hands in front of a projector screen.

Promoting a Culture of Hope and Happiness at Civic Gatherings to Hope and Happiness Workshops


As humans, our hopes, our hungers, and our happiness are the three major pre-occupations in life. Our ultimate life experiences therefore depend on these three things. Human happiness is the outcome of the right intensity of hunger and an adequate level of human hope. This is how our name—Triple-H Project— originated.  
Our mission is to help create hopeful and happier communities by providing happiness coaching services, training and certifying happiness coaches and teaching the mathematics of happiness.


Our methods and our outcomes, tools and metrics rely on the Mathematics of Happiness —the concluding finding  by Dr. Alphonsus Obayuwana, after 30 years of research.


A basketball with the words hope hunger happiness on it.

We measure your level of hope, the intensity of your hunger, and your degree of happiness to determine where you are on the human happiness map. From these findings, we help you design your very own unique Personal Daily Routine (or PDR) for a truly sustainable happiness.


HAPPINESS has existential value. As a result, happy people live longer than unhappy people; they have better blood pressure readings, they mount stronger immune response, and they have fewer complaints of chest pains and headaches. Happy people NEVER take their own lives

UNHAPPINESS is a flashing red sign from our “vigilant self” to our “distracted self” -- calling our attention to the fact that all is not well. Do not ignore this flashing red sign or wait too long before calling your happiness coach!

A traffic light with red lights hanging from the side of it.

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life.”


“No matter how you feel and why, you can be happier than you are now.”
